
iOS | Android

Main installation

  1. Install the WireGuard app for your device ( iOS | Android )
  2. Open the installed app
  3. In the top right corner, press +
  4. Select the "Create from QR code" option
  5. Use your phone's camera to scan the QR code generated on the website
  6. Done!

Installation from configuration file

  1. Install the WireGuard app for your device ( iOS | Android )
  2. Download the configuration file by clicking on the "Download configuration file" button
  3. Open the installed app
  4. In the top right corner, press +
  5. Select the "Create from file or archive" option
  6. Go to the folder where you saved the configuration file (it should have the .conf extension) and select it
  7. Use the switch to turn the VPN on/off
  8. Done!

MacOS | Windows

Installation from configuration file

  1. Install the WireGuard app for your device ( MacOS | Windows )
  2. Download the configuration file by clicking on the "Download configuration file" button
  3. Open the installed app
  4. Click on the "Import tunnels from file" button
  5. Go to the folder where you saved the configuration file and select it
  6. Click on the "Connect" button
  7. Done!


Installation from configuration file

  1. Before installing, check available updates on your system. Install them if it necessary: # Ubuntu и Debian sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  2. Run WireGuard installation via your distribution's package manager : # Ubuntu и Debian sudo apt-get install wireguard
  3. Download the configuration file by clicking on the "Download configuration file" button
  4. Move the downloaded configuration file into the /etc/wireguard/ directory: sudo mv [file path]/frkn.conf/ etc/wireguard/
  5. Done!
    1. Use wg-quick command, to start the connection: sudo wg-quick up frkn
      /usr/bin/wg-quick: line 32: resolvconf: command not found error:

      If this error is thrown at the moment of trying to connect, install the resolvconf package and try again:

      # Ubuntu и Debian sudo apt-get install resolvconf && sudo wg-quick up frkn
    2. To find out the connection status, run run the following command: sudo wg show
    3. Use wg-quick command with down attribute to turn off the connection: sudo wg-quick down frkn

QR-code and configuration file

Download configuration file
Install via QR-code